Frequently Asked Questions
Race Briefing: Mandatory for 100 mile entrants at 07.50.
Entrant limit: 100 for the 100 mile event.
What do I get?
Viking 100 - Finishers - Completion of 16 x 6.25 mile loops.
1) A Viking 100 finishers buckle.
2) A Viking 100 finishers shirt
3) A goody bag which has goodies in, not a bunch of adverts. There will be nothing healthy in our goody bags, things they contain for example, chocolate, crisps.
Viking 100 - DNF
1) One of our usual standards of goody bags. Handshake for chaps, a hug for girls.
Viking Challenge 6/24/Pacer hour - Completion of at least one 6.25 mile loops.
1) A Viking Challenge finishers medal. (Even if you complete 100 miles in the 24 hours you'll still only receive the medal. Buckles are solely for those entering and completing the 100 mile event.)
2) One of our usual standards of goody bags.
Where do I park?
Free parking is available around the farm area in assorted areas, we'll have a parking marshall on the day to direct you, please park sensibly!
When do I get my race number?
You'll pick this up on race day morning from the race base camp.
Are there time limits?
For all events the absolute cut off is 1600 on Sunday. It's a hard cut off. Nothing counts after this.
For the 6/24 Hour Challenges you must be inside your last loop at 6/24 hours after you started (subject to the absolute 1600 Sunday cut off) even if you finish your final loop after the respective time limits, any laps after the time limit won't count. i.e. if you start a six hour challenge on Saturday you can start an extra lap up to 5:59:59 after you started.
Any runner completing 4 laps (+ a mini 1.2 mile lap if you just want to do marathon distance) will have completed an official marathon (by 100 Marathon Club standards.), 5 laps is an official ultra finish. As long as you finish one lap then you'll receive an official finish time, medal and goody bag. With timed events there are no DNFs.
A DNF will occur at the 100 mile event if you started a loop after 0800 on the Sunday and subsequently fail to finish or are timed out which then unfortunately counts for nothing. So for 100 mile runners if you start a lap after 0800 on the Sunday you are deemed to be continuing in the 100 mile event and the option to drop down to the 24 hour event has gone, if you then subsequently withdraw or are timed out then that's a DNF. Before that point you can drop down to the 24 hour event and receive an official finish.
How do the 6/24/Pacer hour Challenges work?
These are four separate events.
The 24 Hour Challenge starts at 0900 on the Saturday.
The Saturday 6 Hour Challenge starts at 1000 on the Saturday.
The Pacer Challenge start time is flexible and you can start at any point after 1800 on the Saturday.
Unofficial pacing isn't permitted with the exception of crew/supports are welcome to join 100 mile finishers on their final lap.
Extra Event Rules
1) You must carry illumination between 1900 and 0600. (Sunrise is 0621 - Sunset is 1751)
2) Any person seen deliberately discarding litter will be disqualified.
This event will be set up so that having a crew won't be necessary however if runners wish to have a crew/supporters then of course then can. However crew/supporters aren't allowed to hang out in the aid station/base camp area simply as there won't be the space and parking is really limited so its not encouraged. There are several points on the course that would make excellent crewing stations. We'll make exact details of these locations known closer to the event date.
What are the toilet facilities?
There are male and female toilets at the farm and we'll have extra portable toilets too.
No camping, tents, gazebos etc are allowed on site. Nor will there be any sleeping facilities at the start/finish/base camp area. Though you're always welcome to catch forty winks in your car if you wish to.
How are laps counted?
At race registration you'll be handed a small laminated lap counting card, attach this to yourself with a safety pin or cable tie. At the end of each loop get this punched through by one of the hole puncher chaps or chappesses. So basically at the end of each lap, get your card punched, or ring the bell!
You'll have to tell us when you're finished, not the other way around. As it's a timed event, if you wish you can stop, have a rest and continue, eat cake, go have a cup of tea in the cafe or you can just stop!
We'll have an “official finishers bell” for this purpose, (Rachel will be the keeper!) when you're done for the day, ring the bell and the goodies will be yours!
Do you have secure baggage facilities
No. But you're free to leave bags at the start/finish. There will always be someone around but we can't guarantee their security. You'll be able to park close to the start/finish don't forget.
Can I leave my own drinks/food at the aid station?
Yes no problem at all, we have a dedicated table for runners own supplies if they have anything special that they'd like to bring along.
Trail shoes? Road Shoes?
Road shoes should be fine if its dry, but if wet a bit more tricky as there are both lots of hard surfaces but some mixed ones too. Hybrids or Hokas for me put it that way! Gaitors would be wise.
Is the course closed to the public?
No. But most of the route is on private farm land, bike paths and public footpaths not near much habitation so its really rather quiet.
What will base camp be like?
It's a giant barn or a working farm, so basic, but hopefully nice and dry and snug.
What on course facilities do you provide?
Water, squash, nibbles, starter, timekeeper and encouragement every lap! Base station will be well stocked for all runners. We will feature more "ultra" centric food than usual. To minimise waste we will not be providing bottles of water, just cups and unlimited water to fill bottles or bladders. You'll have access to water at least every 2.5 miles.
Are there any facilities at the start/finish area?
Not much, its a working farm, so toilets. A tractor to look at?
What about hot food?
We'll have tea/coffee/hot chocolate and simple hot things such as noodles/porridge for folk who'd like something warm in the night or early hours.
Can I use an ipod or mp3 player on the course?
Yes. Though please be aware that you are running on public footpaths with the general public so make sure that you pay attention to traffic, people, children on bikes, wildlife and so on. In addition we use a couple of short sections of country lanes so you need to pay attention especially at these times
Public Transport?
The nearest train station is Herne Bay and that's about 3 miles away
Cancellation Conditions.
This event falls outside our usual "Fair Runners Policy"
Withdraw prior to
31st December 2019 we'll offer deferal to 2021 or 3 x "regular" race credits
31st March 2020 we'll offer deferal to 2021 or 2 x "regular" race credits
Can you point me to some advice about running 100 miles?
Yes please! If you're free to help out then please get in touch. We'll offer a "race credit" for each eight hour time slot you give to the event to use at our regular SVN events to use yourself or gift to others, these race credits have no expiry and are freely transferable.